Reasons for Vitiligo

Reasons for Vitiligo

Vitiligo is common now in many people. They suffer from Vitiligo and major issue is that, there is no proven & confirmed medicine.


What is this Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is the condition where white or pinkish patches develops on our skin.
Skin has one components called as MELANIN. It functions for skin pigmentation. If in case this system fails to work, then vitiligo (white patches) is the result. It may start appearing on any skin area of our body. Most probably it will be first noticeable on our face, neck and our hands.


What are the Major Reasons for Vitiligo?

There is still not the identified reason. Medical associations do not have confirmed data for exact causes.
On the basis of possibility, below are some reasons. It may be leading for Vitiligo.


1. Genetic Effects

Vitiligo is one disease and it is related to immunity. Due to loss of epidermal melanocytes, depigmentation of skin will be the result.
It is assumed that around 30% cases are genetic. Study is still going on about this for surety. But in fact if your family have a background of vitiligo, then it might have chances to other members.
In such rare cases, If a genetic mutation starts to targeting the cells, then it will lead your skin pigmentation.
In case if any changes in our DNA, then it will effect melanocytes functions. Hence genetics factor effects on vitiligo disorder.


2. Stress

Stress is one of the big cause behind many diseases. In today’s modern, challenging & competitive life, we cannot avoid stress. If we fail to manage it, then the stressful atmosphere will bring many diseases for you.
Due to stress, there may be a change in pigmentation proportion of melanocyte cells. Hence stress can lead to vitiligo.


3. Misunderstanding of Immunity System

Some time our immunity system does mistakes to judge the friendly cells. It reacts against our healthy melanocytes cells. Our immunity system assumes that, these healthy cells are like harmful bacteria. Eventually such situations leads to develop antibodies for destroying melanocytes.
We cannot say when above situations can arise and what is the exact causes behind it.


4. Atmospheric Changes

Exposure to the ultraviolet radiation, some types of chemical contacts, stress, products related to skin whitening can cause for Vitiligo, hence atmospheric or environmental is one of the reasons for vitiligo.



What are the Common Symptoms of Vitiligo?

Any person can get affected at any time. Reasons may vary from person to person. Some of them have been mentioned above. You may get its anticipation if notice related symptoms.
Vitiligo usually gets noticed with small white patch on any part of your body. It will gradually increase the affected area. Colour may be white or pinkish. Generally these patches will not give you pain or any trouble, but in some cases it may be itchy.
Some people may suffer small patches whereas some may suffer from big one. It cannot be predicted that how much patches would be in size. But mostly such patches are permanent.


What are the Main Types of Vitiligo?

We can categorize vitiligo in two segments.

  • Segmental vitiligo
  • Non-segmental vitiligo

Segmental Vitiligo :

This is also called as universal or localised vitiligo. In this case, our one side body gets affected by vitiligo.

Patches appears on one of the side of your body, like on hands or face etc.


Non-Segmental Vitiligo :

This is also called as generalized or bilateral vitiligo.
It affects some of the parts of body, like hand, feet, elbow etc.
This one is most common type. If we calculate frequency, then can say around 9 people out of 10 comes in this category.


Some other Types of Vitiligo

  • Universal: This comes in rare category and covers more than 80% of body parts.
  • Focal: Patches develops in small area and does not spread in the certain pattern within span of one to two years.
  • Generalized: Here patches appears on various parts of body. In this case, there is no sufficient working melanocytes.  It is needed to generate melanin in enough proportion that requires to our skin. Eventually results in white patches on skin.
  • Trichome: In this case patches are like a bulls eye. Here is an intermediate zone of hypopigmentation, that will be at the place between our unaffected or normal skin & depigmentation center.
  • Mucosal: Mucous membranes of mouth as well as genitals gets affected in Mucosal vitiligo.


What is the Treatment for Vitiligo?

No treatment is necessary for vitiligo & it is not harming body rather than depigmentation. Patches are permanent and treatment can reduce somewhat appearance of patches. Vitiligo cannot be treated completely but this is attempt for somewhat appearance correction.
If you still want somewhat uniformity in skin by either color restoration or depigmenting of the remaining color, then you can find the help of doctor.


Below are some of the treatments for getting relief in Vitiligo:

1. Phototherapy

It is also called as light therapy. This system uses ultra violet light. We can say it is just like similar to natural sunlight.
Focusing such ultraviolet rays on affected area, attempts are done to prevent the patches further extension. It is a painless therapy and takes around 10 to 15 minutes for entire body.
Phototherapy requires many visits and longer time periods to get result. It means several months or years, still patient can disappoint by the result. Three is no any such surety.


2. Steroid Cream

Steroid or other chemicals added creams, might help in a smaller pigmentation. Frequent use of such creams is also harmful to skin.

3. Surgery

4. Depigmentation therapy

5. Laser treatment

6. Chemical solutions etc.


What are the Complications of vitiligo?

Vitiligo can sometimes cause other problems.
Vitiligo results in heavy decrease in melanin. This situations will easily harm the skin if we stay for some time in sunlight. Proper covering the upper skin by clothes, using umbrella or good sunscreen can give relief.

Vitiligo may also lead to adverse effects on eyesight and even hearing capacity.


Which people have more possibilities for vitiligo?

If you comes in below categories then, you are more prone for vitiligo.

  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid
  • Lupus
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriasis


What are bad effects or complications of Vitiligo?

1. Effects on Vision

Normally vision does not get affect, but there are some other discrepancies.
Retina the inner sensitive layer of eye might get inflammation.


2. Depression

This is a very big challenge to overcome. Some people find very difficult to adjust and mix with other people. This situations can invite for depression.


3. Sunburn

Sunburn is more harmful for the vitiligo affected person’s skin. Hence need to take proper care while roaming in sunlight. Skin becomes more sensitive in vitiligo.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Is this Vitiligo Painful or any health troubles?
Vitiligo will not give you pain or aching. However you need to take sufficient precautions in sun light, otherwise you will be the very easy target for Sunburn.


What are the percentage of vitiligo on affecting worldwide?
People around 1% suffer from Vitiligo in all over the world.

Such pale skin area is more easy target for Sunburn. So need to take extra care. Use sunscreen creams, cover your body by cloths, use umbrella etc. and save your self from Sunburn. Above mentioned are some of the Reasons for vitiligo, so better to avoid those incidents. There is no confirmed treatment to deal with vitiligo.


Reasons for Vitiligo

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