Bad Habits of People

Bad habits of people

Health Should be first priority of each & every person. Only if your health is good then you can enjoy life moments, otherwise you would miss the opportunities even after having the resources available with you. For example You have the sweet dish on table but due to having diabetes, opportunity of eating the same will be missed. Such things may happen at many stages on your life path if the health precautions are ignored.

Below are some key points that needed to be discussed most in regards with bad habits of people.

Bad Habits of People
Bad habits

1. Cigarette smoking  habits

Is smoking really necessary in life?

The big tragedy is that, people know demerits of smoking and about its bad effects on health but still they do it instead of quitting.

Big companies are manufacturing such health harmful products and there is no any strong oppose from government or society. Only profit earning should never be the aim of any organization.

Now these smoking products like cigarettes or Gutkha, prints the images as well as awareness messages on packets but still it can’t divert the mind of lots of people who consume them.

Few of the people called as chain smokers, means they do frequently such intoxication.

What is the result of smoking?

Smoking make bad effect on our body parts,  shorten our life span, so better to stay away from intoxication.


2. Lungs diseases

The primary bad effects of smoking is that, it reduces the power of lungs and make it weak.

Lung Function – Lungs is one of the most precious organ of our body. The main functions of the Lung is, to provide oxygen in bloodstream. We take breathe I.e. Air, it contains oxygen which is sent to bloodstream to reach it to every cells of our body and get back the wastages means carbon dioxide, then this is removed via exhale.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, that is called as COPD.  This happens due to cigarette smoking.

Below is the list of some diseases caused by Cigarette smoking.

Lung Cancer

Chest pain



Short  breath

Lung infections


Heart diseases




Reproductive related bad effects in women’s


3. Tobacco smoking

Tobacco is also major medium for death of people. Tobacco is responsible for lots of diseases.

What is the Tobacco?

Tobacco is one of the plant. In this plant leaves contains chemical named as Nicotine.

People use this crushed & dried leaves for intoxication.


4. Demerits of Intoxication due to wine

Wine intoxication is very common and even in each class of people. This is the cause of death in very higher numbers.

Wine is available from cheap value to very high price. It also have lots of brands. Some people make it in home.

If we drink it in very moderate proportion and only on occasionally, then it gives us some health benefits. But in case its consumption becomes daily habit then you will have to face its bad effects on health.

Wine preparation is step by step and lengthy process.

  1. Harvesting
  2. Crushing & pressing
  3. Fermentation
  4. Clarification
  5. Aging & bottling

What happens if we drink wine daily in excess quantities?

Major problem is kidney damage

  1. Wine make our immunity power weak.
  2. It may lead to cancer.
  3. Increase risk of heart related problems
  4. Increases risk of stroke
  5. Pancreatitis problems


5. Habits of outside food

It is not wrong to eat outside food other than home, only to make regular habits is bad for your health.

Such foods might contain ingredients which are stale or with excessive oil & spicy. Sometimes restaurants, hotels uses artificial colors and preservatives. It can harm our health, hence enjoy such foods but on occasionally basis.

Fix the proper time for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Irregular timing will lead to digestion related problems.


6. Lack of exercise

Now a days people are using vehicles for short distance, use lifts to go on even for 2 to 3 floors.

We must emphasize on walk as much as we can, this is one good exercise and have lots of health benefits.

Plan for regular basis exercise like walking, gym, yoga etc. It is the quite need, nowadays we have automatic instruments everywhere that escapes us at many places from doing physical hard work.


7. Less and irregular sleeping habits

This is now become a big obstacles in front of many people. Possibly people living in city are more prone for this issue.

Fast changes in lifestyle might be good but it also causing for our poor lifestyles.

Due to TV, mobiles, pubs, imbalance in office/business work hours etc. leading for less sleeping. Many people not getting sufficient sleep of at least 6 to 7 hours. We need to think long term demerits of such poor lifestyle.

These are some bad habits of people, that needed to be discussed first.  To achieve good health, try to overcome above mentioned regular bad practices.

Diabetes, joint and body pains, poor immunity power, short life span, ripening of hairs in early stage of young age, asthma, respiratory & spine diseases, heavy weight or fats and so on…, These all are happening with us for only the one reason I.e. bad habits of people.

Bad Habits of People

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