Benefits of Eggs
The egg is one type of organic vessel that contains a zygote in that embryo gets developed up to when it can stay survive on its own, in this stage animal hatches it.
What is the difference between fertilized & unfertilized eggs?
If a rooster is involved in the starting process of egg i.e. rooster mates hen then it is called a fertilized egg. Such eggs are eligible to give birth to new life if they hatch properly.
Generally, eggs which are sold in the markets commercially are unfertilized or produced by hens without mate with a rooster.
If the hens are domesticated birds, they will be selectively bred for laying more eggs for a long time.
Both types of hens (domestic or wild) will normally lay a number of eggs, that is called a clutch, once the hen accumulates around 10 to 12 eggs, then in order to hatch them she stops further egg-laying.
Before the hen stops giving eggs and incubates them if her eggs are taken away after it is laid then that time hen will keep continuing laying the eggs in an attempt to buildup an egg clutch.
Unfertilized Egg Process
Baby chicken is not contained in unfertilized eggs.
There is no such difference between fertilized and unfertilized eggs in test & nutrition.
When a Hen Can Give Eggs?
Normally hen gets well-matured after the age of 6 months and becomes eligible or efficient to lay the eggs.
A healthy hen is capable to lay an egg around once a day, some hens may skip a day occasionally. There are some hens that will never lay eggs, Genetic defects, an insufficient or poor diet may be the reasons.
Hens needed sufficient calcium in their diets to produce the upper hard shells of eggs.
Seek the help of a veterinarian in case any hen is not laying the egg.
Hens are unaware of whether a male or rooster is fertilizing these eggs. They simply lay them with the hope that they will be fertilized.
What is the White Part of the Eggs? (what is the egg white)
Egg white is in the liquid form which is clear. (It is also called the albumen or glair), This liquid is in the egg covered by the shell to protect it & The basic natural purpose of this egg white is that, to give protection to the yolk (yellow core part of the egg) and then to give nutrition for the embryo growth after getting fertilized.
Egg white liquid is almost water, I.e. 90%, and the remaining 10% contains the globulins, albumins, proteins, vita, and mucoproteins.
Egg white has around 56% proteins. Fats are not found in egg white and the proportion of carbohydrates is also less than 1%
What is the Yolk? (yellow part of eggs)
The yolk is also called a vitellus
The main work of yolk is to provide the food required for embryo development.
Yolk has high fats (lipids), proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
What is the Eggshell
Eggshell means the outer cover of the egg.
It is made from calcium carbonate.
How many eggs we should have?
It is advisable that we should not eat more than 2 eggs in a single day. It can heat the body from within & do not consume more than one egg in the summer season. More than two eggs may raise cholesterol levels.
What are the Benefits of Eggs?
Eggs are the best nutritional food.
It is packed with proteins, essential vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids & antioxidants.
Around 50% of proteins are in egg white
The yolk consists of healthy fats, minerals, vitamins & antioxidants.
One average size egg can provide nutrition like:
5.7g fat
1.6g sat fat
84 calories
8.3g protein
Almost everyone likes to eat an egg due to its delicious taste, uncounted dishes are prepared using eggs & that also vary in each country.
Animal lovers or some affectionate nature people also enjoy this food non-vegetarian type foods.
1. Eggs – The great source of nutrition
The egg is one best nutritional sources, that fulfills our daily need for nutrition.
It consists of vitamins like A, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-9, B-12, D, E, K, choline & minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, zinc, potassium then fat, cholesterol & carbohydrate, proteins, etc. hence people consume it more to get benefits of Eggs.
2. Eggs – The great source of protein
Eggs contain around 6.3 grams of protein. It is needed for our muscles and tissue. Egg Contains sufficient amino acids for muscles growth.
Egg white & yolk both contain proteins but white parts have almost more than half of the total protein. Yolk has a higher amount of fat than egg white.
3. Eggs – The improver of good cholesterol level
First Know What is the Cholesterol? Why our body requires it.
Whenever people think of eating an egg, the rising cholesterol levels ome in front of their eyes.
It’s true, excessive cholesterol is very risky for our health, but a moderate proportion is needed for a healthy life.
- Production for sex hormones such as testosterone & estrogen
- Cells structure
- Facilitates bile production in the liver.
Cholesterol is produced in the liver of our body naturally. We also get cholesterol from the foods which we eat, but that food is only animal-related products such as meat and dairy. Plants do not produce cholesterol.
Daily consumption of such animal foods can cause adverse effects on health, like heart disease, obesity, cancer diabetes, and so on.
4. Egg is good to eat but its consumption should be moderate
Eggs support the increase of “good” cholesterol that is the reason for having almost no impact on the disease of hearts related risk.
Chicken eggs are an affordable source of protein and other nutritious components for everyone
The other cholesterol consisting foods probably increases the cholesterol level but the egg does increase it. Egg cholesterol is not bad for blood cholesterol. Having a saturated type of food can increase blood cholesterol. The egg is part of a healthier diet with having low saturated fats.
For normal people, 5-6 eggs are fine to eat but people with high cholesterol should take the advice of a Doctor before adding multiple numbers of eggs in their diet but remember that egg yolk has bad cholesterol.
The liver naturally makes cholesterol, which is a fatty compound even our body needs for a healthy life.
The liver produces a sufficient amount of cholesterol to fulfill our body’s requirements. People keep consuming foods that contain cholesterol. In case we eat heavy cholesterol then our liver is smart enough to respond and reduces cholesterol production.
5. Eggs – The good source Of vitamin D
The egg is also enriched with vitamin D.
Vitamin D is a very important role in the process of calcium and phosphorus absorption. Bones, teeth, muscle function, the immune system needs vitamins for their good health.
When we get exposed to mornings sunlight then our body produces Vitamin D, but now most people do not get time for sunbath either due to their busy work schedule or some countries geographical atmosphere, then those people can have an issue of Vitamin D deficiency in their body.
Egg yolks is the source of vitamins, minerals, and fats.
Yolk has a bad image due to their increasing of (LDL) bad cholesterol, hence some people only eat white parts of the egg and avoid eating egg yolk which means missing lots of nutritional components.
6. Benefits of Eggs for Weigh management
The egg has low calories but is enriched with a high amount of proteins, because of high satiety levels of eggs, it gives us feelings of less hunger or reduces the desire to eat further for the day. We feel as our stomach is already full. Egg boosts our energy level increases the metabolism process.
Eggs eating gives you stable insulin response and blood glucose.
Eggs are the hunger suppressor that keeps the hunger hormone (ghrelin) silent to lower the desire for further eating.
The egg is the key product of many diet plans in regards to weight loss as it has some unique properties.
7. Eggs – The good sources of choline
Choline is made in our liver and has been a great nutrient.
Just like a B vitamin, choline is required for our body cell smooth functions. It is also important while spinal cord & brain growth in the periods of pregnancy.
The egg has an adequate amount of choline to fulfill the daily need of the body. Choline maintains the health of several body functions along with our important nerve systems. Our body requires choline for the production of acetylcholine. This compound is related to our body’s need for choline to produce acetylcholine. Research shows this compound is related to a neurotransmitter that means it cates functions such as memory, heartbeat & muscle movements, etc.
Choline is important for facilitating the metabolism process, it also removes the cholesterol from our liver.
8. Eggs – The powerful source of omega-3s
Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids and come in the category of essential fats. This is important in the work of cell membranes, eyes protection, heart as well as brain health.
Our body self produces some amount of Omega-3s. Eggs are one of the great sources of Omega-3 fatty acids to fulfill the daily needs of our body.
9. Eggs – The antioxidants
Antioxidants is a substance that prevents from a molecule or oxidative damage.
The human body has the capacity to produces many enzymatic as well as nonenzymatic antioxidants for providing defense.
Eggs contain various vitamins, minerals & selenium, these are great antioxidants. Eggs consist of phytochemicals lutein & zeaxanthin, These antioxidants protect from eye disease.
10. Egg minimizes chances of breast cancer
The egg has properties to minimize the risks of breast cancer. It has essential factors I.e. choline, If you eat eggs around 3 per week in the adolescence period then risk minimizes for breast cancer.
11. Eggs minimizes risks of triglycerides
Triglycerides are one type of fat in our blood and a responsible factor for heart disease.
Whenever we eat food, the fat which is not required gets converted into triglycerides.
Eggs contain Omega-3 that helps to reduce blood triglycerides.