Benefits of Potato

Benefits of Potato

What is Potato?

Binomial name of Potato is Solanum Tuberosum.

This is one type of root vegetable.


It is assumed that Potato is originated in Peru & Bolivia from the American Nation.

Top Countries Ranking on Potato Production

  1. China
  2. India
  3. Russia
  4. Ukraine
  5. United States

Potato has surprising health benefits. It is popular in all categories of people. The taste is very delicious and easily available in the market for all the season.

This is used in a vegetable, used as a vegetable and even has been core part of lots of dishes or self is the main menu. It is multipurpose fantastic & favorite food almost in all the people.

Benefits of Potato

What are Potato Benefits on Health

1. Source of Fiber for Weight Loss

Fiber is a good component found in potatoes. It contains very low calories.

This will help you if want to lose weight, by just keeping your stomach full for a longer time. Compounds proteinase inhibitor 2 slow down digestion and in turn decreases hunger.

Potato is enriched with Vitamin C, which is necessary for immunity boosting. Also contains sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fiber.

Potassium present in potatoes is great for muscle & to regulate blood pressure.

Fat consists of very low, so overall Potato plays an important role in weight loss.

It is still advised that to avoid junk foods and too many potatoes consumption otherwise it will lead to weight gain.


2. Prevention of Diseases

Potatoes are enriched with Antioxidants. This fights free radicals which cause cells damage.

Food with rich antioxidants lowers the risks related to heart disease and cancer.

Potatoes have ample compounds such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, carotenoids, etc., these are antioxidants and protect our body from molecules that harm us. If the free radicals start accumulating, then end results may be chronic diseases i.e. diabetes, cancer, like heart disease.

Potato peels (skin) are a stringer antioxidant, so do not hesitate to eat instead of throwing.


3. Healthy Digestion

Fiber components of Potato are beneficial for both soluble fiber as well as insoluble fiber, and hence cause less gas as compared to another type of fiber.

Just like soluble fiber, the potato containing resistant starch acts as a prebiotic that means food of good bacteria in our large intestine which will improve gut health. Like insoluble fiber, it prevents the problem of constipation as well as irritable bowel syndromes.

Sweet potatoes have been the best source of soluble fiber, which is easy to digest if compared with insoluble fiber.

This enhances good bacteria in our intestines and thus results in overall improvement of digestive health.

Potassium is a natural electrolyte and contributes to our better health of digestion.


4. Blood Pressure Reduction

Recently high blood pressure has been a common problem of many people. This can be fatal if not taken precautions and care about proper diet. You must get a regular check-up and consultation with your doctor.

When we do not get the required potassium in our diet, then our body stores access to sodium. One of the big reasons for blood pressure is sodium.

The potassium factor of potatoes reduces the blood pressure level and gives us protection from heart diseases and lowers the risk of strokes. It is a wise thing to avoid food that is prone to blood pressure and extra salted types of food.


5. Nutritional Source

Potatoes are an amazing source of various nutrients. 100 grams potato provides around 77 kilocalories.

It is a higher source of vitamin B6 as well as vitamin C. Along with potato contains vitamin A, E & K1, proteins, carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, fat, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, folate Pantothenic acid, lutein, beta carotene & fatty acids, etc.


6. Benefits of Potato for Healthy Bones

Bones need enough nutritional factors for their good health and to maintain their strength.

Potato has calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, these are necessary for bones and are found in potatoes.


7. Benefits of Potato for Healthy Heart

Fiber assists in lowering the total proportion of cholesterol in our blood, which decreases the risk of heart disease and strokes.

Potassium Intake & sodium reduction in diet will boost heart health.

Fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6 potassium, these all are best for a better and healthy heart.


8. Choline

Choline is a beneficial factor and necessary for a healthy life.

It is naturally available in some foods and even in potatoes.

Choline has been a source related to methyl groups that are needed in the various stages of metabolism.

Our liver produces choline endogenously but in lower proportion so it is better to get the required amount from foods consumption.

It  contributes for:

  • Smooth movement of muscle.
  • Assist in the transmission of nerve impulses
  • Regulate cellular membranes structure
  • Earlier stage brain development
  • Smooth digestion.


9. Cancer Relief

Folate is important in DNA synthesis. It is an obstacle for the cancer cells which form due to because of mutations in DNA.

Fiber lowers the risk of colorectal cancer.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects from free radicals cells of cell damage.


10. Smooth Digestion

Fiber helps to give relief from constipation. It also makes the digestion track & process smooth.

We get around  3.6 grams of fiber if consider 150 grams weighted potato.

Potatoes mostly consist of insoluble fiber, which is a type of lignin & cellulose. It even has soluble fiber pectin.

Insoluble fiber support bowel movements.


11. Potato – Source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also called ascorbic acid, it is one of the good sources of water-soluble vitamins. Vitamin C is naturally found in vegetables well as in fruits.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It is also necessary for collagen formation and strong immune function. Vitamin C is needed in structural protein, that will provide elasticity to body tissue.


12. Potato – Source of Potassium

Potassium is a mineral. It is the main electrolyte and provides support in maintaining fluid.

It is helpful in controlling blood pressure and is an essential electrolyte. This supports in functions of nerve systems, cardiovascular and muscle.


13. Potato – Source of Carbohydrates

The potato provides carbohydrates that are necessary for the red cells & brains.

Carbohydrates play an important role in providing energy to our body cells and brain. It is a fuel for muscle while workout.


14. Potato – Source of Protein

These have been crucial components of almost every tissue & cell of our body.

It is important for ligaments, tendons, muscles, collagen.

Proteins of the blood control the fluid as well as electrolyte balance.


15. Potato – Source of Fiber

Dietary fiber has amazing benefits for health. It regulates blood glucose, improves lipid levels of blood, enhances satiety, etc., hence potato is a good vegetable to include in daily consumption.


16. Potato – Source of Vitamin B6

Potato also contains Vitamin B6. This vitamin is water-soluble and hence important for protein & carbohydrate metabolism.


17. Potato – Source of Iron

Iron is a mineral & supports in making of protein which carries oxygen for all parts of the body. Such a way benefits of potato is really worthy for better health.

Benefits of Potato

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