Benefits of Walking

Benefits of Walking

Walking is free with enriched lots of health benefits.

The walk is nothing but one type of simple exercise, easy to do, anywhere we can do and can grab its unbelievable benefits of walking, but regret to say that people avoid it wherever they can.

Many times Doctors also give advise to walk daily to get benefits of walking.

Nowadays technology has done impressive and ample progress in each sector, it’s definitely helpful and supportive for mankind but never forget it also causes health-related issues.

Technology reduces human walking by automatic stairs, building lifts, vehicles, etc. We must not use it for shorter distances, then legs are for what? Need good health then make an effort. The choice is yours whether you want Doctors visits or free, happy, healthy life.

Benefits of Walking

What are the Benefits of Walking?


1. Walk for Burn Calories

Burn your calories by just walking. This will lose extra pounds and will maintain your weight. 

Need to give attention to proper walking speed, only walking very slow will not give results.

It is said that at least we should walk 30 minutes. If it is possible to walk on an uphill surface then it will take your extra power and efforts to reduce more calories.

Walking reduces fats and maintains the body weight, you will find lots of people around you with heavyweight and fats, they probably ignore the importance of exercise and do not control their heavy food intake habits hence first need to give attention also for proper diets along with walking.

An average of 60 calories is spent for walking of 1-kilometer distance.


2. Walk for Heart Strengthening

Walking is good to keep away the heart diseases like coronary by making your heart stronger.

Walking is one type of aerobic exercise, walk at least 30 minutes for better results.

Walk give good fitness to our cardiovascular as well as pulmonary fitness.

It reduces the risk of stroke.

Walk to reduce the cholesterol level in our body.


3  Walk for Reducing Blood Sugar

Walk a little shorter after having your meal at around 15 minutes, this will reduce your blood sugar level.

Walk increases the heartbeat which results in faster breath, In this body muscles use more glucose from the bloodstream and also make insulin work better.


4. Walk to Getting Relief from Joints Pain

Legs have joints at different places i.e. heap, knee, and joints near palms of feet.

Walking will improve lubrication as well as muscle strength and provides nutrients required to the bones.

People suffering from arthritis,  also walk to get results.


5. Benefits of Walking for Boost Immunity System

Walking helps your body to increase immunity power and can keep you away from small diseases like cold and flu.


6. Walk for Boost Energy Level

Walking is good to increase blood circulation and oxygen levels. It is useful to promote the levels of epinephrine, cortisol as well as norepinephrine hormones.


7. Benefits of Walking to Improve Mood 

The walk will refresh your mind, give a feeling of positive thinking, reduces depression.


8. Walk to Live Long

If you want to live a long life then one simple solution is that just walk.

Walking improve the overall health of our body, strengthen the organs which keeps away lots of diseases also and increases life span.


9. Walk for Legs Health

Walking also makes legs muscles strong.

Walk on uphill surfaces can increase legs strength fast, this will also provide relief like arthritis, knee or joints pain.


10. Walk for Improving the Circulation

Walking improve hearts functions and also helps to lower blood pressure. It enhances the blood flow in the entire body in a healthy way.


11. Walk for Breath (Oxygen)

As you walk, your heart rate starts to increase and eventually the breath rate. This leads to increase oxygen inhale faster to our bloodstream. This will increase energy levels as well as blood circulation. Such a benefits of walking can make our life easier & healthy.



Technology effects on walking & how to overcome


1. Avoid Lift & Stairs wherever possible.

It is true and no one can deny the great life-changing support of Technology in our daily routine.

We use many machines knowingly and unknowingly to fulfill our basic needs, but surely this time is to be cautious otherwise it will push you into trouble and suffer a lot.

If you use automatics stairs or lifts then try to avoid them for fewer floors and even if you live on skyscrapers buildings then at least walk a few floors and use lifts for some floors.


2. Reduce Vehicle Usage

It is great for your health to walk for very small distance or use of Bicycle, if your work location, the market place is near then better to avoid vehicle, this is useful for health as well as to keep pollution away.


3. Treadmill

Technology has some benefits also for the concepts of walking. If you do not have a good and sufficient place on the premises where do you live or there have been bad weather seasons, then the treadmill is the best option for you. It requires a very small place in your home and can easily place in one small corner. The treadmill is also available in folding type which is a further boon. Hence in case of lack of good garden and walking space, just take benefit of the treadmill and make the habits of daily walking for a healthy life.



Precautions for Walking Exercise


  • If you feel uncomfortable or find any difficulty related to abnormal breathing or ache in body parts then first consult with your Doctor before continuing walking habits.


  • Use proper clothing which has proper stretching for easy movement of your body. If you walk at the night then make sure clothes are properly visible in the darkness.


  • Use comfortable shoes for walking to get a good feel and safety to your feet.


  • Find somewhat plain land surface for walking to avoid problems like sudden falling, sprain in legs muscles, etc. If the area is traffic-free then much better to keep away the risk of accidents.


  • If you walk alone then keep some alarm device with you in case of any emergency and better to find the route where people are around that place who will provide prompt help.

Benefits of Walking

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